Golden yellow roses and fluffy hydrangeas form this seaside-inspired design. Green carnations and yellow solidago add zest and vibrancy to this uplifting bouquet. Verdant Santini and seasonal foliage bring this coastal arrangement to life. This would look beautiful displayed in any home or given as a gift to someone special.
Size Guide
Regular: 1 blue hydrangea, 3 yellow roses, 3 green carnations, 3 yellow solidago, 3 green santini,0.5 bunches seasonal greenery
Large: 2 blue hydrangea, 5 yellow roses, 5 green carnations, 5 yellow solidago, 5 green santini,1 bunch seasonal greenery
Deluxe: 7 white/ peach roses, 7 white lisianthus, 7 white veronica, 3 white wax flowers, 3 white hydrangea, greenery